ScaleACT Logo Competition
ACTSMS Scale ACT 25th Anniversary Logo Competition Rules
The competition:
Competition participants will submit logo designs to represent the 20th anniversary of the ACT Scale Modellers’ Society (ACTSMS) Scale ACT. The winning design will become the official logo for ScaleACT-25 show and merchandise produced to celebrate the anniversary.
The competition opens on 23 January and closes on 20 February 2025.
Who is eligible:
This contest is open to anyone on an individual basis. Contestants can submit multiple entries.
The judging panel will consist of members of the ACTSMS committee and the ACTSMS Life Members group.
Following the close of entries, submitted logo designs will be sent to the judging panel with no information to identify the designer. Each judge will apply points to their preferred designs – 3 points for first, two point for second, and one point for third-most preferred logo. If there is a tie following collation of awarded points, further round(s) of judging will be held until a single winning logo is determined.
The decision of the judging panel will be considered final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
The designer of the winning logo will receive one year free ACTSMS membership, a framed certificate, one new t-shirt and challenge coin featuring the winning logo, and a $100 gift voucher from Super Toyworld and Hobbies.
Announcement and awarding of prizes:
The winning anniversary logo will be announced at the ACTSMS March meeting on Wednesday 19th March 2025 at the Hellenic Club in Woden. The prize will be presented to the logo designer at this meeting, or at the nearest convenient meeting if the designer is not present.
When to submit entries:
From 23 January to 20 February 2025
How to submit entries:
Submit your entry to
Requirements for entries:
Entries must bear no signatures or any personal signals.
Entries should not use Clip Art or other commercial designs
The logo must be in a circular design (to fit on challenge coins, medallions etc)
the correct format for the show name is “Scale ACT 25”
Other Terms and Conditions
The logo must be original.
The work must be created by the artist themself.
The logo design may be based on the existing official ACTSMS logo, or may be a unique design.
Logo design for this competition cannot give rise to any claim for financial compensation.
The award–winning work becomes the property of the ACTSMS from the date it is received. The designer waives any copyright in its design. The ACTSMS may use the design at the sole discretion of its Committee.
Any person submitting a logo proposal for the competition certifies that he/she is the designer.
He/she also certifies that the logo does not infringe the rights of any third party and is not in violation of any copyright.
The winner will be informed directly by the ACTSMS by email and invited to attend the announcement at the ACTSMS March meeting on Wednesday 19th March 2025.
By participating in the competition, participants accept all competition rules and agree to be bound by them.