ANZAC Blitz Build 2025

ACTSMS ANZAC Blitz Build 2025

What is a blitz build?

The Blitz Build is a fabulous, silly event which can help the modeller blow the cobwebs off and get something completed! The idea is to pick something from your stash, one of those 'bought on a whim and will probably never be built' kits (we all have them) and get it built and on the shelf all in one weekend! The mantra is 'Build it like you are 12 again!' :-) Don't stress the details, don't bother about after-market, just get on with it and BUILD! :-) This is especially good for people who have been working on a big project for months and months - put it aside for one weekend and rediscover the joy of slapping something together quickly! :-)

The original club Blitz Builds were run over a 24 hour period which was a bit challenging! (yes, you can get a model built in 24h) - but with time, we've relaxed the rules to include a whole weekend - from Friday evening to Sunday night - this gives more time for paint and glue to dry and acknowledges that weekend chores still need to get done in and around the modelling frenzy :-)

For the naysayers who think it can't be done, the unofficial ACTSMS Blitz record is (we believe) held by a certain Mr T.M. who managed to build 6 (was it 6 Tony?) models in a weekend! That's from box open, to built, painted, decalled and sitting on the shelf! So yes, it most definitely can be done! 

An important aspect of the Blitz is sharing as you go - we encourage you to take photos as you work on your projects and post them up to the Facebook event page - this lets everyone see how you are getting on and provides valuable encouragement to everyone! :-)




Who can join in:


