The Kittyhawk Cup

The ScaleACT-25 Kittyhawk Cup subject is the;

Tamiya 1/72 F35 Lightning II

Kittyhawk Cup 2025

What is the Kittyhawk Cup?

The Kittyhawk Cup is a special ScaleACT category where all entrants build the same kit observing a set of simple rules, which are; 



Please read the rules each year for the selected kit as from time to time there might be some exceptions to the rules.

Please note: The Kittyhawk Cup is a special award which will be awarded to the best model entered. Entrants may enter their Kittyhawk models in the general ScaleACT competition the following year to be considered for a Gold / Silver or Bronze award.

Oh, and why call this special aircraft competition the "Kittyhawk Cup? This comes from a project undertaken by ACTSMS members to build eight Academy 1/72 P-40E Kittyhawk models in RAAF markings for the Australian War Memorial in about 2005!