The Kittyhawk Cup
The ScaleACT-25 Kittyhawk Cup subject is the;
Tamiya 1/72 F35 Lightning II
Kittyhawk Cup 2025
The Kittyhawk Cup subject for 2025 is the Tamiya 1/72 F35 Lightning II.
Eligible kits include;
Tamiya 1/72 Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II (kit 60792)
Tamiya 1/72 Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II (kit 60793)
What is the Kittyhawk Cup?
The Kittyhawk Cup is a special ScaleACT category where all entrants build the same kit observing a set of simple rules, which are;
The model must be built using only the numbered parts contained within the box and the basic shape of the model may not be altered.
The following exceptions are allowed;
Kit parts may be refined, as long as the basic shape remains unchanged. Exhausts, gun barrels and air inlets may be opened up, tyres may be flattened at ground contact.
Filler, surfacing materials and scrap plastic may be used to rectify gaps and defects, but may not be used to enhance or add detail.
Panel lines may be re-scribed after construction or to correct inaccuracies.
You may add antennas/aerials, seat-belts and/or rigging wires from any material or aftermarket accessory.
The model may be finished in any colour scheme and/or markings you choose, you are not restricted to using the markings supplied in the kit.
Please read the rules each year for the selected kit as from time to time there might be some exceptions to the rules.
Please note: The Kittyhawk Cup is a special award which will be awarded to the best model entered. Entrants may enter their Kittyhawk models in the general ScaleACT competition the following year to be considered for a Gold / Silver or Bronze award.
Oh, and why call this special aircraft competition the "Kittyhawk Cup? This comes from a project undertaken by ACTSMS members to build eight Academy 1/72 P-40E Kittyhawk models in RAAF markings for the Australian War Memorial in about 2005!