Gundam & Mecha
The following notes are intended to help Gundam builders understand the impact of our new Open based judging scheme and how it equates to the world of Gundam competition.
In many Gundam only competitions, you may be used to seeing the terms "Straight Build", "Repaint" and "Custom" used to describe entry categories.
At ScaleACT however, you can use the following translations to help you enter;Â
If you are entering a Straight Build model, you would select the Gundam Category and "Rookie" as your experience level. For a Repaint entry, please select Gundam and "Standard" experience level and finally, for a Custom Gundam entry, pick the Gundam Category and select "Master" as your experience level!
Rookie = Straight Build
Standard = Repaint
Master = Custom
This category has been added due to the increasing popularity of Zoids, Transformers kits etc, which would be out of place if put in the sci-fi category, alongside Star Wars or Macross kits. Mecha category will open up other unique entries for third-party Gundam-like kits, that are not Gundams but not sci-fi as well. A good example of this is the Zero Gravity Judge model kit.
Full resin Gundam kits should be entered into the Mecha category. This is because they do not use a BANDAI inner frame, and thus do not fit the Gundam category even though it may be a full resin rendition of a Gundam kit.