Categories & Experience levels
There are several big changes to the competition for ScaleACT-24, including the introduction of Experience or Skill levels, and a reduced set of Categories to worry about! Read on!
Competition Categories
When entering ScaleACT-24, each entry will be assigned to one of the following Categories.
1. Aircraft
2. Military Vehicles & Equipment
3. Civilian Vehicles & Equipment
4. Figures & Busts
5. Dioramas *
6. Vignettes *
7. SciFi, Mecha, Real Space
8. Ships & Subs
9. Gundam
10. Maschinen Krieger (Ma.K)
11. Open / Other
12. Junior (12 or younger)
Regular ScaleACT attendees will note that there are significantly fewer categories this year than previously. This is a result of our new Open judging system where entries are judged individually, entirely on their own merits. Entries are NOT compared to other entries on the table - we are no-longer trying to find the 'best' model in a category!
In the Open system, each model is assessed against set criteria (Construction, Finish and Presentation), so Category is now simply a label to help everyone position and find entries in the competition hall, rather than being a little competition in itself! It doesn't mater if there are 1 or 100 entries 'in a category' - each will be assessed individually and if the model meets the assessment criteria in the eyes of the judges, it will be awarded!
Assessment Criteria
So what are these criteria? When assessing an entry, the judging teams will be looking firstly at the basics, starting with Construction. Are any gaps or seams visible? Has surface detail been lost? Are there any glue blobs visible? Are all components aligned correctly? The judges will then look at the Finish of the model. Is the finish consistent? Are there any blemishes, brush-marks or overspray visible? Do decals exhibit any damage or silvering? etc. Once the basics are considered the judges will move on to the Presentation of the model, this is less tangible and more difficult to express - think of it as the X factor!
In the new Open system we will be awarding the best entries with a Gold, Silver or Bronze medal. Winning a medal says that an entry exhibits few if any flaws, has been finished very well indeed and really stands out. Note the discussion below relating to Skill levels however!
In addition to the Gold, Silver and Bronze awards, a single special award will be made to the very best entry in each category as determined by the ACTSMS President and Chief Judge team - 'Best Aircraft', 'Best Military Vehicle' etc...
References are NOT REQUIRED at ScaleACT and will NOT be reviewed even if supplied (we strongly encourage you to leave them at home!). All entries at ScaleACT are judged as-presented.
Younger modellers (12 and younger) are encouraged to join in and enter the Junior category so their great work can be displayed. Junior entries are not assessed, but all junior entrants will receive a special encouragement award!
To help modellers develop their skills, the Chief Judge is more than happy to discuss entries and how they were assessed, but only after the team have finished their work – Sunday lunchtime & early afternoon would be the best time to seek feedback (it is impossible to give feedback after the show weekend). Please DO NOT hang-around the comp tables while judging is underway, please leave the judges to work in peace :-)
Model Handling
Models will not be handled during the assessment process. All models should be placed on the paper 'entry placemats' provided - these placemats are then used to rotate the model for inspection if required. If a model must be moved, we will endeavour to contact you to seek your approval or to get you to move the model yourself (hence requiring a mobile phone number for all registrations!)
Diorama / Vignette
It can sometimes be difficult to describe the difference between a Diorama and a Vignette - here are the ScaleACT definitions which revolve around the essential element of Story...
A diorama should tell a story and portray activity and the elements of a diorama should interact. You can think of a diorama as a scene from a movie.
A vignette is more like a snapshot in time and it is often intended to be viewed from a fixed point. You can think of a vignette as a photograph.
New! Experience / Skill levels
Another change for ScaleACT-24 is the adoption of Experience or Skill levels for Entrants.
Each modeller who enters the competition will be asked to place themselves in a group that describes how experienced a modeller they believe themselves to be. The three skill levels are; Rookie, Standard & Master. Grouping entries by skill level will level the playing field somewhat and will allow us to award more gongs to more entries!
The level of modelling standards required to be awarded a medal goes up with each level. The standards required to achieve a Gold award at the Master level must demonstrate the very highest expression of the art; showing perfect construction, a flawless finish and an overall presentation that really stands out and catches the eye. The judging team will be a little less stringent when examining entries at the Standard level, and more generous again when assessing Rookie entries.
Achieving Gold at Master level is very very rare occurrence and is reserved for flawless models. Achieving a Gold at Rookie level is a fabulous result that means you have got the basics right and can move up to Standard level next time! Remember, winning any award means your entry is among the very best!
Note: Experience level is attached to you the modeller, not the subjects you are building. We believe that modelling skills are largely transferable between subjects, so if you are a moderately experienced "Standard" level builder who mostly builds Aircraft and is now trying your hand at a Car (for example) - you'd still list yourself as "Standard" - even if the Cars subject is pretty new to you - most of the skills you've honed on your Aircraft builds can be applied (we believe) irrespective of subject.
The following descriptions will help you self-assess which experience group you belong to (currently!) :-)
A Rookie may not have been building for very long and is still learning the basics, or,
A Rookie might be returning to the hobby after an extended break, or,
A Rookie has never entered a competition previously.
Most entrants are in the Standard group.
A Standard level entrant has been building for a while and routinely produce work they are happy with.
A Standard level entrant demonstrates proficiency in the fundamental modelling techniques.
A Standard level entrant may use aftermarket upgrades to the basic kit.
A Master entrant is very experienced and comfortable with more complicated techniques.
A Master entrant is comfortable with and regularly uses aftermarket conversions or large upgrades.
A Master entrant may routinely enter competitions and consistently places.
PS: While you will be asked to self-assess initial skill levels, the ScaleACT team reserve the right to overrule if required! No Masters trying to slip into the Rookies please! :-)
Details for Gundam builders.
For Gundam builders, the following clarification is offered to align with Gundam competitions world-wide;
A Rookie Gundam builder uses kit provided parts and stickers only. No painting or modifications is allowed. This equates to a “Standard Build”.
A Standard Gundam builder uses the kit provided parts, but repaints the kit parts to customise the look of the kit. No aftermarket or 'kit bashing' is allowed. This equates to a “Repaint” entry.
A Master Gundam builder, uses the skeletal frame of the Bandai kit, and may extensively modify the kit with aftermarket parts or kit bashed parts from other kits. A Master Gundam builder will paint their kit to customise their model. This equates to a “Custom” entry.
There is a little more detail on Gundam entries here.